Winnie The Pooh Glitter a day in a life an ordinary gurl: August 2011

Sunday, 14 August 2011

when tears fell down

Assalamualaikum , hye ! hwan-yeong ! its tyme to share something that i found so interesting happened this week .. hehe i was watching a drama titled 'masters of study' and this story really really really really got my attention as i don't even think to skip any part of it .

In the story , I saw the determination in all those five students to have a better score in their examination so they will be able to enter the university after school and make change in their life . A huge change . A lot of determinations in their teacher’s spirit that gave them hope to be in the university with a different unacceptable ways of studying . I cried when I saw the teachers tried so hard , full of effort  just  for them . I cried seeing an ex-students knelt in front of his teacher’s grave as they don’t met for years after he leaves the school . I cried seeing the good relations they have between the students and the teachers . I cried when they had a great small party for their beloved teachers during teacher's day showing how they appreciated their teachers so much and as thanks them for shared their knowledge .

I cried watching the love shows by a grandmother to her grandson and vice versa .  And the tears kept falling down when i saw the love between a daughter towards her mother even though her mother cause so much trouble . Again when I saw a child was being neglected since she was six and her parents act like she's never exist in the world . I cried when there was a parents who did not even support their children to study , that cares more about their  meat restaurant than their boy with an excuse there's no intelligent brain in the family . 

Then , I go forward  my own life . I was so happy as I have parents that always encourage me , give me support every time i need it . Always stick together when I got a problem . always show their love , care about me . I loves my parents so much . And I will try my best to do best in the examination so i can be just like those student , to make my dreams achievable , to repay back my teachers and parents .

kasahamnida .. i will work hard !! 

Thursday, 4 August 2011

more ! more !

assalamualaikum .... ape kabar sume ? msti sihat2 kan ,, hehe
juz nak share sumthing jer ...

korang penah tengok cite Alice in Wonderland x ? ala ,,, cite yang budak2 suke sangat tue ... best kan  
korang memang patut tengok taw ... haha my roomate sume cakap ak macam humpty dumpty dalam cite tue .. tak taw la kalo dorang maksud kan ape kan but one thing that i really sure was that  i will never change juz for what people says because i know how am i and i do not want to be others .... nampak cam tengah marah kan ... haha xde la ,, i'm juz telling what i think coz i will not sure what am i think of until i see what i say rite ? so now i'd see what i say to what i think ,,, 
comel kan ,, hehe 

and few days back i found myself to be over sensitive towards everyone around me especially who is always with me .. haha tapi tacing2 kejap je la ... pastu tacing balik ,,, pastu ilang balik ... haha so lepas exam saya amek keputusan untuk balik rumah dan lepak2 sampai satu homework pun memang da decide xnak bawak balik ,,, kalo lecturer taw bende nie mesti dorang cakap ak la budak paling malas kat kmpk nie .. hehe

sebelum balik umah kene pass exam dulu ,,, hehehe ingat kan sejam tue kejap sangat untuk jawab UPS kali nie padahal da naek kematu punggung dok kat krusi tue ,,, da le dewan xde aircond *tyme nie baru nak rindu aircond kat lenggong* hehe most of the exam alhamdulillah ak bole buat ,,, tapi tak xpect pun nak dapat 100 coz ak taw kat mane2 kalo ak yakin betol pun mesti at least ada satu silap ,, so let's not put any hope on that okay ... hahaha

my ex classmate kat kmpk are going 2 Beijing 2 further his study in Mandarin course  for 5 years ,, it's Idzhar .. he decided 2 stay far from us and everyone la kali nie ... he will go on september this year ... i would like to send him to the airport so lets take this as one of the kmm activities ... briliant kan ... hehe

baik lah ... sampai di sini dulu la saya nak merapu ... len kali la pulak sambung cite ...
assalamualaikum ...